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5 Tips to Lower Your Heating Bill This Winter

Shovels out, gloves on, heat up!

Whatever heating system you have, we want to make sure you are kept warm and cozy this season, while not breaking the bank to do so! Below are 5 of our tips to keep that bill low.

1. Fire up that oven!

We are in the midst of the holiday season, preheat that oven and start baking! (our personal favorite…chocolate chip cookies!)

Using your oven will keep your home warm so you can turn that heat down a little bit! Plus, you get a sweet treat at the end!

2. Layers, layers, layers!

No high tech way about this tip. Old fashioned sometimes works the best. Grab an extra blanket and a pair of fuzzy socks. Layering up will allow you to turn your heat lower, letting it work a little less hard! This is a tip that dads give all the time! “Put on a jacket!”

3. Schedule a Pro!

We think that routine maintenance is always a great idea. This routine maintenance will keep you warm all winter long. Fixing any and all issues now, will prevent bigger and more expensive ones in the future! Give us a call to scope out your attic, your insulation and to check on your system to make sure it is ready for the snowflakes!

4. Be an Adventurer

Lace up your boots and grab a ladder! Checking your attic is a great start to finding the culprit of high heat bills. Make sure your insulation is up to par! Misplaced insulation and old insulation will not do as good a job keeping your warm air in, which will have your system working harder, thus causing higher bills, EEK!

5. Turn your home into a robot!

Be-bop, boop!

Just kidding, what we mean is, automate your thermostat. We think Nest is pretty cool, and it’s owned by Google, which we find even cooler. The hardest part is the set up, which is a piece of cake! Easy as pie. After the setup, Nest will adjust itself to your lifestyle, which means when you are gone, your heat will be lower, saving you some cold hard cash!

Learn more about the Nest here:

Advantages of the Nest summarized:

  • Save $ at home and while you are away
  • Control it from anywhere!
  • Designed for you to install it yourself!
  • Monitors your system.
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